Mexican traditional healing

Rebozo is a traditional Mexican shawl, which, besides being used as an item of clothing, is used to provide great comfort by rocking, jiggling and wrapping a woman’s body. It´s often referred to as ¨an extension of loving hands¨.
Rebozo ritual is a ceremony, a nurturing treatment, a unique space that allows not only a deep relaxation, but also processing and profound healing. Like a wave of sisterhood, it is offered by 1 or 2 women to a woman, which can put as back together, especially at times, when we need that support and care of others around us.
More than just a physical treatment, it´s deeply energetic work that fulfills the function of a Rite of Passage (a ceremony marking an important stage in someone´s life). Something we lack so much in our Western society..

Rebozo Ceremony is not only offered to recent mothers in postpartum. In reality the session is intended for all women wishing to celebrate a passage in life like first menstruation, a desire for motherhood, a marriage, a divorce, a birthday, real or symbolic bereavement, professional or personal renewal, menopause.. or any other stage of life for which a woman feels this call and the need to be supported and surrounded during this transition.
By gently rocking and wrapping you, rebozo ritual is calming you right down and it guides you back into your body, brings the bones back into place, helps your pelvic organs shift and blood flow. The intension is that you experience a sense of calm and grounding, re-establishing her sense of self

When Rebozo Ceremony is offered?
All women:
• to honour first menstruation
• to mark important changes or events (marriage, a new job, a house move, children moving out of the house)
• to assist in the perimenopause or mark a women’s menopause
• for anxiety, shock, PTSD
• with fertility problems, or to support an IVF journey
• for ADD, autism, or to help people with overwhelm or sensory overstimulation
• to help with endometriosis, PCOS, painful periods, prolapse, diastasis recti
• for healing (physical, sexual, emotional, domestic) abuse and trauma
• for ancestral trauma or trans-generational wounding
• to help with loss such as divorce, loss of a job, loss of a loved one, baby loss, miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion
• to feel deep state of relaxation, as your body is lengthen, stretched and fully supported
• to release tension and discomfort from your lower back, to honour your femine
• anytime in postpartum (preferably 6 weeks after the birth, but work can be done years or decades later still too)
• to help with breastfeeding challenges
• to mark the end of a breastfeeding journey
• to help with postpartum depression
¨This reobozo ritual of 4-hand massage allowed me to stand upright, to go to the depths of my being to feel an explosion of sensations. Thanks to your gentleness and your attentiveness, I felt contained and safe, which allowed me to completely let go. Thank you ❤️.”
– Diane
3 types of Rebozo sessions:
Full Rebozo Ritual
Discover in detail how is the ceremony:
– we welcome you in a very cozy space prepared with a lot of care in the heart of Geneva
– we offer you herbal tea, guided meditation to support you in defining your intention
– after a meditation where we connect together, we wrap you in your cocoon, using warm blanket and Rebozo fabrics
– we perform the 4-hand massage
– we tighten 7 points of the body with the Rebozo Treatment
– we offer you a sound healing with tibetan bowls and gong before letting you free yourself from your cocoon
– we take the time to do an oracle reading and you can share with us the sensations and messages received.
This treatment is provided by 2 women for 1 woman, with respect and kindness in coming to take care of you.
The rebozo ritual is inspired by a traditional Mexican ritual to cherish and gently accompany the woman in a key moment of her life.
Duration: 2 hours
Price: 330 CHF (2 practitioners, ASCA reimbursement) or 240 CHF (1 practitioner)
Optional: (+20 CHF)
– cacao ceremony at the beginning of the ritual to reconnect with your deeper wisdom and intention
– goddess foot bath with Himalayan salt and seasonal flowers

If you wish to receive shorter session:
Postnatal Ceremony (La Cerrada)
Postnatal ceremony to honour and nurture the new mother.
The Closing of the Bones is a way to honour and celebrate a new mother. This ritual acknowledges the huge transformation she has undergone in pregnancy and childbirth. It makes space for the enormous shift that she has experienced physically, mentally and emotionally.
A safe space is created for this ritual. We start with some time to share where the new mother is at, how she is feeling, looking back on the birth, anything she is willing to share. This ritual includes a healing meditation, massage with essential oils. We also massage the belly, lovingly taking care of this area where a baby grew. After the massage we offer a foot bath with flowers.
With the help of a rebozo (Mexican scarf), we gently rock the whole body which has a soothing, deeply relaxing effect.
For the last part of the ritual, the new mother is tightly wrapped using 7 rebozos. We wrap and honour different parts of her body—feet, knees, pelvis, waist, shoulders, head. The mother is then left to rest as we hold space for her. After a short closing this beautiful ritual is complete.
Duration: 90 minutes
Price: 270 CHF (2 practitioners, ASCA reimbursement) or 180 CHF (1 practitioner)

Pregnancy Ceremony (La Apertura)
Rebozo massage for fertility and well-being during pregnancy
This whole body treatment aligns and lengthens your body for optimal health and well-being. Your body is lengthened, stretched and fully supported to gradually release deeper tension. The deep state of relaxation which follows will restore your energy levels and allow for any previous stagnant energy to move freely through your body.
You will benefit from this rebozo massage if:
• You are preparing for pregnancy and wish to optimise your health and well-being beforehand
• You are pregnant and have a sedentary lifestyle (you spend most of your days sitting in front of a computer, for example)
• You are pregnant and are looking for a deeply relaxing massage which relieves tension and discomfort in the spine and pelvis
Duration: 90 minutes
Price: 270 CHF (2 practitioners, ASCA reimbursement) or 180 CHF (1 practitioner)
Client love notes
Who is holding the space for you?

“The rebozo symbolically represents the blanket that weaves our individual and collective destiny; it is the umbilical cord that unites us to the womb and our origin.”
-Marucha Iluakatzin
Photos: Ophelie Melchior